Important Announcement from All World Shipping

Effective Monday, March 28th All World Shipping will be introducing some new procedures to ensure our agents remain in compliance with global shipping regulations. The changes are as follows: 

  1. NRA #’s will be required when creating a NON-USA to USA or USA to NON-USA HBL’s in the AWS system. In order to ensure that HBL’s are tied to the appropriate NRA’s, a mandatory field will be added to the HBL issuance screen for our agents to include this information. 
  2. Going forward, edits made to NRA’s will require that existing NRA’s are cancelled and replaced with the new amended NRA. This to enable us to better track changes and provide required auditing information if requested by regulators. 
  3. When editing or cancelling an NRA our agents will be required to provide comments stating the reason for the changes. This is to enable us to provide reasonable explanations of changes to regulators if requested.  Please note any edits to an NRA only apply on cargo not yet received.

Please note that these changes are being implemented to make sure both AWS and our agents remain within the confines of regulations and to help avoid costly mistakes. The AWS team will be available for assistance and guidance while you adjust to the changes. Don’t hesitate to call or email us if you need any help at all.

NRA Manual

Best Regards,

Your All World Shipping Team
T: +1 (702) 378-6309


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